Osteoarthritis of the knee can negatively impact the quality of life as individuals worldwide struggle with discomfort and pain while fulfilling daily responsibilities. While the first thing that comes to mind is surgery, you can rest assured that there are other options to explore before surgery.
Understanding Osteoarthritis of the Knee
This type of arthritis is a result of the gradual breakdown of the cartilage. There is no cure for arthritis but it can be maintained with several treatment options. The most common cause of Osteoarthritis is ageing, but there are other causes like previous injuries, obesity, continuous stress on the joints and genetics. The symptoms are persistent knee pain [either before or during physical activity], swelling, or tenderness in the joint.
Recommended Treatment Options Without Surgery
Before you consider getting a knee replacement surgery in Mumbai , try these nonsurgical recommendations.
A knee brace serves as an external source of stability for the joint. It is designed to reduce pain,inflammation and strengthen the muscles. The braces put pressure on both sides of the joint and help it realign. There are three major types of braces [you can pick any one that suits you]: soft braces, Medial Unloader braces, and Hinge knee braces.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can improve flexibility and strengthen muscles. Its purpose is to reduce joint stiffness. It includes stretching exercises and deep massages. Get in touch with experts such as Dr Divyesh Bukalsaria to get the best non-surgical treatments for knee osteoarthritis in Mumbai.
Weight loss
The first suggestion your doctor would give you would be to lose weight especially if you’re overweight. The knees and joints are more negatively impacted by extra weight. Shedding a few pounds will take the stress off of the knees.
Injection to the Knee
This can give temporary relief. It is best for the early stages of arthritis because it cannot repair damaged cartilage. The two common shots are Cortisone and viscosupplementation. Cortisone helps reduce inflammation and ease the pain. Viscosupplementation, on the other hand, helps lubricate the cartilage. It works better than cortisone.
Heat and cold Therapy
This therapy targets specific areas of the body, and they function in different ways to soothe you. Heat therapy would increase blood flow, realign your tight muscles and alleviate discomfort, especially in the legs.One way you can try heat therapy is by using heating pads before looking for surgical treatment for knee osteoarthritis in Mumbai. For cold therapy, it decreases blood flow and reduces the speed at which pain signals travel.
Heat therapy helps increase blood flow, relax tight muscles, and alleviate discomfort, especially in the legs.
Pain Medications
It is important to note that these should not be used for the long term. Over-the-counter medicines can help with the swelling. Examples are acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen.
Lifestyle Adjustments for Long-Term Relief
To manage Osteoarthritis, you need to have a significant change in your lifestyle. Try your best to stay active and exercise regularly no matter how short the time is to help maintain joint function. You can also avoid high-impact activities like running. Bicycling and walking are alternatives you can explore.
Another aspect would be being intentional about your diet. First, you need to avoid food that contains lots of calories and would make you gain a lot of weight. Instead, incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish, nuts, berries and leafy greens.
From physical therapy to lifestyle changes and medications, different nonsurgical options exist to help manage symptoms and improve your quality of life. The best nonsurgical treatment is a combination of them all. Do well to check with your doctors to find out what treatment is best for you. If you need more information on surgical and non-surgical methods, connect with Dr Divyesh Bukalsaria today.