Knee Specialist Doctor in Mumbai - Dr. Divyesh Bukalsaria

The knee is a vital joint in the human body, essential for mobility and stability. Injuries or conditions affecting the knee can significantly reduce your quality of life and may lead to more serious issues if untreated. If knee pain or mobility problems are holding you back, consult the experts at Divi Orthopaedic & Rehab Center today.

Led by renowned knee specialist Dr. Divyesh Bukalsaria, our team can restore function, relieve pain, and ensure optimal knee health.

The knee joint, a pivotal hinge joint in the human body, plays a significant role in supporting our weight, facilitating movement, and ensuring stability. Understanding the intricate anatomy of the knee is not just an academic exercise, but a key to appreciating the everyday miracles of our body's design.

Anatomy of the Knee Joint

Anatomy of the Knee Joint

The knee joint connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia) and is supported by the kneecap (patella). This intricate junction involves articulation between the femur's rounded condyles and the tibia's plateau, forming a hinge joint. The joint also includes the fibula, a smaller bone next to the tibia, which provides additional stability and support to the knee joint.

The patella, along with the help of the quadriceps and patellar tendons, glides within the femoral groove during knee movements, enhancing stability and protecting underlying structures.

Ligaments within the Joint

Ligaments are the unsung heroes of the knee joint, crucial for stabilizing the joint, preventing excessive movement, and connecting bones to ensure structural integrity. They are the silent guardians of our knee's stability:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL): Located in the center of the knee, it prevents the tibia from sliding backward and provides rotational stability.
  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL): Situated at the back of the knee, it prevents the tibia from sliding forward and gives anteroposterior stability.
  • Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) and Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL): Found on the inner and outer sides of the knee, they control side-to-side movement.
  • Meniscus: Two wedge-shaped pieces of cartilage, known as menisci, are not just shock absorbers. They are the smooth operators that reduce friction between the femur and tibia, enhancing stability and ensuring the longevity of our knee joint.

Muscles and Tendons Supporting Knee Functionality

An array of muscles and tendons orchestrates the knee's complex movements:

  • Quadriceps Muscles: Located at the front of the thigh, these muscles straighten the knee during activities like standing and walking.
  • Hamstring Muscles: Positioned at the back of the thigh, they contribute to knee bending.
  • Iliotibial Band (ITB): A long band of tissue running along the outer thigh stabilizes the knee during movement by providing lateral support and preventing the knee from collapsing inward or outward.
  • Patellar Tendon: Connecting the patella to the shinbone, this tendon plays a vital role in knee extension.

Nerves and Blood Vessels in the Knee

The knee is innervated by various nerves, including the femoral and sciatic nerves, ensuring proper sensory and motor functions. Blood supply is facilitated by the genicular arteries, providing nourishment to the joint structures.

Knee Movements: Flexion, Extension, and More

Knee Movements: Flexion, Extension, and More

The knee's primary movements include:

  • Flexion : Bending the knee to bring the heel toward the buttocks.
  • Extension : Straightening the knee to its full capacity.
  • Rotation: Limited rotational movements during flexion and extension.

Understanding the knee's anatomy is crucial for identifying and addressing issues that may arise, such as pain, instability, or restricted movement.

Knee Treatment in Mumbai at Divi Orthopaedic and Rehab Center

Degenerative osteoarthritis, trauma, or injuries can take a toll on the knee, making it prone to various problems. Chronic knee pain that keeps coming back might indicate an underlying issue that needs immediate evaluation by a knee specialist.

At Divi Orthopaedic, Dr. Divyesh Bukalsaria, a renowned Orthopaedic surgeon and knee replacement specialist in Mumbai, leads a dedicated team treating hundreds of knee conditions every year. Our comprehensive approach blends non-surgical treatments with advanced surgical options tailored to your needs. We aim to deliver quick pain relief, improve mobility, and restore your quality of life.

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