Avascular Necrosis: Understanding the Stages and Treatment

by | Oct 25, 2024 | Hip Treatment | 0 comments

Avascular necrosis, commonly called osteonecrosis, is a serious bone condition where the blood flow to the bone is interrupted, ultimately leading to cellular death and gradual bone collapse.Unfortunately, AVN is often misunderstood and underdiagnosed, as it frequently affects individuals without obvious early symptoms. The lack of timely intervention can severely compromise joint stability, resulting in chronic pain and disability.

As AVN progresses, it moves through distinct stages, each with its own set of symptoms and treatment options. Recognizing and addressing AVN early can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life and prevent irreversible joint damage. In this blog, we will guide you through Read on

Stages of Avascular Necrosis (AVN)

AVN progresses through four main stages, each with distinct symptoms and radiographic findings. Here’s a breakdown:

Stage 1: Early AVN (Asymptomatic)

There are typically no symptoms at this stage, making it hard to detect. X-rays appear normal, but MRI can reveal early signs of reduced blood flow in the affected bone. Identifying osteonecrosis (AVN) at this stage is crucial, as early intervention can prevent further progression and reduce the risk of joint damage.

Stage 2: Pain and Initial Bone Changes

During this stage, the affected joint starts to experience mild to moderate pain, particularly with activity or pressure. X-rays may reveal early bone thickening, while MRI detects bone swelling, indicating structural stress. Identifying AVN at this stage allows for prompt treatment options, including medication, physical therapy, or minimally invasive procedures, to slow progression and improve joint health.

Stage 3: Progressive Pain and Structural Weakness

In Stage 3, individuals experience persistent pain that worsens with movement along with stiffness in the affected joint. X-rays show a “crescent sign, indicating cracks in the bone just below the joint surface. This stage is crucial because the bone structure is weakened, making immediate treatment essential to prevent further damage and joint collapse

Stage 4: Advanced AVN and Joint Collapse

In this final stage, individuals experience severe, constant pain, reduced range of motion, and possible joint deformity. X-rays show bone collapse and significant irregularities in the joint surface, often leading to arthritis. The extent of damage makes joint preservation challenging, and at this point, joint replacement surgery is often the recommended treatment to relieve pain and restore function.

Treatment Options for Avascular Necrosis

Treatment for AVN varies depending on the stage. Early-stage AVN may benefit from conservative options, while advanced stages often require surgical intervention.

Non-Surgical Treatments

Medications: NSAIDs to relieve pain, bisphosphonates to slow bone damage.

Physical Therapy: Strengthens muscles around the affected joint, relieving pressure on the bone.

Core Decompression: Removes inner bone to relieve pressure and stimulate new blood vessel growth (usually in Stage 1 or 2).

Surgical Options

Bone grafting replaces dead bone with healthy bone tissue, typically in early to mid-stages.

Osteotomy: realigns the joint to shift weight off the damaged area.

Joint Replacement: Often recommended for Stage 4 AVN when the joint collapse is severe.

Avascular necrosis is a progressive condition that can lead to joint collapse if untreated. Recognizing the symptoms, especially in the early stages, and seeking timely medical attention can make a significant difference in outcomes. While advanced AVN may require surgical intervention, early diagnosis, and treatment can help preserve joint function and quality of life.

If you’re looking for a trusted orthopedic specialist for Avascular Necrosis treatment in Mumbai, consult Dr. Divyesh Bukalsaria, with a focus on AVN treatment tailored to each stage of the condition, Dr. Bukalsaria has successfully guided numerous patients toward recovery and relief. From early-stage options to advanced interventions, he provides personalized solutions to help patients regain mobility and comfort.

For a personalized approach to AVN treatment, contact Dr.Divyesh Bukalsaria here: +91  9892655649.